Flat Access and Mobility Architecture: an IPv6 Distributed Client Mobility Management solution

30 Mar

Fabio Giust, Ayudante de Investigación en Institute IMDEA Networks

In-house Presentation

The use of centralized mobility management approaches – such as Mobile IPv6 – poses some difficulties to operators of current and future networks, due to the expected large number of mobile users and their exigent demands. All this has triggered the need for distributed mobility management alternatives, that alleviate operators’ concerns allowing for cheaper and more efficient network deployments.


This paper proposes a distributed mobility solution, based on Mobile IPv6 and the use of Cryptographic Generated Addresses.
We analytically compare the solution to Mobile IPv6, and derive in which scenarios it performs best.

El seminario se impartirá en inglés


  • Localización: Aula 4. 1F03, Departamento de Telemática, Edificio Torres Quevedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes – Madrid

  • Organización: NETCOM Research Group (Telematics Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain); IMDEA Networks (Madrid, Spain)
  • Hora: 01:00 pm
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