Training Course: 'Detection, Prediction & Monitoring on Online Social Networks: leaders, trends and outliers'

29 Jun

Luis Felipe Chiroque, Estudiante de doctorado, IMDEA Networks Institute & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España

In-house Presentation

Social scientist have traditionally had limited access to data about individuals, like their personality, relationships or tastes. The widespread use of Online Social Networks (OSNs) has changed this drastically, since OSNs provide huge amounts of data to work with. Now, researchers can be helped by the digital content generated by billion of users to better understand their online behaviour.

In this talk, we will discuss recent research on OSNs covering a wide range of topics. On the one hand, at low level (user scale), techniques for detection and prediction of leaders as well as detection of outliers are presented. On the other hand, at high level (network scale), techniques for detection and prediction of trends and events are shown. Also, regarding energy-efficient computation, new techniques for adaptive monitoring on networks are introduced. In addition, some of the tools used to analyse such OSNs will be described along the talk. Data from the major OSNs, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr, has been used in our studies.

About Luis Felipe Chiroque

Luis Felipe (Núñez) Chiroque has become a member of our team of PhD Students. He will commence work from October 2013 under the supervision of Antonio Fernández Anta, Research Associate Professor at the Institute. Prior to his incorporation to IMDEA Networks, Luis enrolled in an 8 month internship at the ‘Ericsson-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) Chair on Software and Systems’, during which he tried out compilers for multithreaded applications. He also worked as a Research Assistant at the EUI-UPM (the School of Informatics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid) implementing ATM QoS protocols for network traffic simulation. Most recently he became a Research Engineer at IMDEA Networks working in the SOCAM research Project. During this period he developed his skills in Social Network Analysis, Big Data (Hadoop Framework) and Natural Language Processing. Luis F. Chiroque obtained his B.Sc. degree in Telematics Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Currently, he is studying a Master’s Degree in Mathematical Engineering at University Carlos III of Madrid.

Este evento se impartirá en inglés


  • Localización: Sala 1.1/2 IMDEA Networks Institute, Avda. del Mar Mediterráneo 22, 28918 Leganés – Madrid

  • Organización: IMDEA Networks Institute & NOTRE research project
  • Hora: 09:00 am
  • Add to Calendar: iCalendar Outlook Google