e-Energy 2012, the Third International Conference on Future Energy Systems, Where Energy, Computing and Communication Meet

11 May

Major Event (Highlighted Event)

e-Energy is the third International Conference on Future Energy Systems, which is organized annually since 2010. Due to the increasing significance of power consumption in computing and networking, the goal of e-Energy is to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners working in this area to discuss recent and innovative results, as well as identify future directions and challenges. The continuing spread of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has contributed much to the reduction of energy consumption in many areas of everyday life. Nevertheless ICT infrastructure continues to expand in capacity and reach, and needs to be more energy-efficient itself. Additionally, ICT can be used to optimize the production, transport and consumption of energy in other setups.

The conference addresses the varied fields of servers and communication infrastructures, services in data centers, end-systems in home and office environments, broadband access networks, sensor networks, cloud computing, smart grids and future networks such as The Internet of Things.

The third e-Energy Conference will be held from May 9th to 11th, 2012 and will be organized by Institute IMDEA Networks and the University Carlos III of Madrid. The first e-Energy Conference was held in April 2010, in Passau (Germany), and the second took place in May/June 2011 at Columbia University, in New York City (USA).

e-Energy 2012 is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing. It also counts with cooperation from the Technical Subcommittee on Green Communications & Computing (TSCGCC) of the IEEE Communications Society, the sponsorship of the Network of Excellence TREND (Towards Real Energy-efficient Network Design) and of the SCCD (Sociedad de Computación Concurrente y Distribuida).

Event website: e-energy2012.networks.imdea.org


  • Localización: Universidad Carlos III of Madrid , Campus de Leganés, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes – Madrid

  • Organización: Institute IMDEA Networks & Universidad Carlos III of Madrid
  • Hora: 01:00 pm
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