Tag: Internet

Joint venture to foster networking research exchange across European borders

A new German office jointly founded by Institute IMDEA Networks, NEC Laboratories Europe and Technische Universität Darmstadt will bring together researchers from all three organizations...

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“Within ten or twenty years, quantum communications could be part of daily life”

Interview with Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks. This professor of the Carlos III University of Madrid is the head...

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Toward a Quantum Internet?

Atomic and subatomic particles behave differently from macroscopic matter, and there are ways to create novel technologies that utilize this...

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Shim6 technique for future-proof high-availability internet access published

As the Internet more and more becomes a business critical resource, it is expected that increasing numbers of Internet users...

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Marcelo Bagnulo appointed Director of the Telefónica-UC3M Chair of Future Internet for Productivity

Marcelo Bagnulo Braun, senior lecturer and researcher of the NETCOM Research Group of Madrid’s Carlos III University (UC3M) Telematics Department, has been...

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Intelligent vehicle communications systems

The European project GeoNet, a member of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, of which the Madrid Institute of Advanced...

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Interview with Jon Crowcroft, Marconi Professor fo Networked Systems, University of Cambridge; Visiting Researcher, IMDEA Networks

The future of our communication system worldwide lies in the development of the wireless Internet. Jon Crowcroft, a leading international...

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madri+d Forum. Conference, Jon Crowcroft: The Role of Europe in Internet Governance

5th June, 2008, the madri+d Forum on Communications Technologies was hosted by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). The...

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OECD warns governments that Internet address space will run out in 2011

The multinational organisation is encouraging the migration of the Internet to the IPv6 protocol in order to relieve the economic...

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IMDEA Networks Scientist joins future Internet body

Gonzalo Camarillo, a member of the Scientific Council of IMDEA Networks, has been appointed as a member of the Internet...

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