134 results for:antonio fernandez anta


“In research you're continuously having fun because you're always challenged”

November 6, 2019

The researcher and professor Antonio Fernández Anta has received November the 5th the ARITMEL Award, one of the four National...

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“Computer Science is going to be ubiquitous and we have to live with that”

October 25, 2019

Next November 5th the researcher and professor Antonio Fernández Anta will receive the ARITMEL Award, one of the four National...

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Tales from the Porn: A Comprehensive Privacy Analysis of the Web Porn

Because of the sensitive content that they offer, modern privacy regulations try to control user tracking activities in such sites....

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The SYMBIOSIS project is an innovation action funded in the scope of Horizon 2020’s BlueGrowth program, EU’s long term strategy to...

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"I’ve always been curious about understanding new research areas and new technologies"

September 20, 2019

Next November 5th the researcher and professor Antonio Fernández Anta will receive the ARITMEL Award, one of the four National Computer...

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National Computer Science Award ARITMEL, Spanish Computer Science Association (SCIE) – BBVA Foundation 2019

Antonio Fernández Anta (27 May 2019)

Research Awards jointly granted by the Spanish Computer Science Association (SCIE) and the BBVA Foundation.  Modality: National Computer Science Awards.

Awarded to Antonio Fernández Anta for “his outstanding scientific contributions in a wide range of areas within Computer Engineering, such as adversarial network models, implementation of failure detectors in distributed computing, fundamental results in networks for multiprocessors or optimization of energy consumption in computer systems, all of which have achieved significant international impact."

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Secondary school students join IMDEA Networks for educational training

April 15, 2019

Five bilingual 16 year-old students from the secondary school ‘IES Isaac Albéniz’, located in Leganés, Madrid, have joined IMDEA Networks Institute for...

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Forward thinking 5G and beyond research at IMDEA Networks receives major backing

January 14, 2019

The Wireless Networking Group at IMDEA Networks, led by the Institute’s Research Director Dr. Joerg Widmer, has received major financial...

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IMDEA Networks excels in ACM SIGCOMM 2018 organization

October 26, 2018

ACM SIGCOMM 2018 met in Budapest on August 20-25. The first visit to Eastern Europe became an unqualified success for...

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No more messing around with passwords

October 2, 2018

Who doesn’t have web accounts and faces a daily challenge of having to save and remember a plethora of usernames...

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