Why should I consider a future in research? What sort of opportunities does a PhD open up for me? What makes research in the science of networks such an exciting career choice? How can we ensure that the Internet can grow and adapt to ever-changing needs over the coming decades? What lies beyond the Internet? What inspires network research?
Go to eventarrow_right_altSeveral members and stakeholders of IMDEA Networks Institute are leading the organization of ACM e-Energy 2014. Marco Ajmone Marsan and Antonio Fernández Anta are both long-standing researchers at the Institute. Two leading international figures in networking research, Jim Kurose from University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA) and Jon Crowcroft, from University of Cambridge (UK), are both members of IMDEA Networks’ Scientific Council. Ajmone, Fernández Anta, and Kurose are Steering Committee members the ACM e-Energy conference, whereas Crowcroft is the General co-chair of the 2014 edition.
Go to eventarrow_right_altInstitute IMDEA Networks annually holds a by-invitation-only thematic workshop in Madrid. The workshop accompanies a meeting of our Scientific Council comprised by prominent researchers. In addition to talks by Scientific Council members, the workshop includes invited talks by external experts in the research theme of the workshop. The goal of the 2012 workshop is to foster discussion on a critical aspect of research in networking: data.
Go to eventarrow_right_altInstitute IMDEA Networks annually holds a by-invitation-only thematic workshop in Madrid. The workshop accompanies a meeting of our Scientific Council comprised by prominent researchers. In addition to talks by Scientific Council members, the workshop includes invited talks by external experts in the research theme of the workshop. The 2011 workshop theme is Internet science with a focus on social networking.
Go to eventarrow_right_altSocial scientist have traditionally had limited access to data about individuals, like their personality, relationships or tastes. The widespread use of Online Social Networks (OSNs) has changed this drastically, since OSNs provide huge amounts of data to work with.
Go to eventarrow_right_altThe impact of car accidents in human lives calls for a profound understanding of accident risk. However, the unpredictability of accidents and the unfeasibility of their reproduction make it difficult to identify the causes and patterns underlying individual accidents.
Go to eventarrow_right_altWith the rise of cloud computing, data centers have been called to play a main role in the Internet scenario nowadays. Despite this relevance, they are probably far from their zenith yet due to the ever increasing demand of contents to be stored in and distributed by the cloud, the need of computing power or the larger and larger amounts of data being analyzed by top companies such as Google, Microsoft or Amazon.
Go to eventarrow_right_altIn this work, propagation dynamics on social networks are studied in order to identify the most influential users. For this purpose, diffusion data has been collected during 4 weeks from a microblogging OSN (online social network) called Tumblr.
Go to eventarrow_right_altIn this presentation we will explain a new mathematical procedure for the automatic discovery of interesting research questions. We propose to classify research topics according to their relevance (how important is the topic) and nescience (a measure of our current understanding of that topic).
Go to eventarrow_right_altEn este trabajo proponemos una solución para la asignación de tareas en un entorno distribuido complejo y auto-organizado (sería el caso de las redes entre iguales o ́ P2P). Estamos interesados en las tareas que son comunes a todos los participantes o nodos del sistema. Cada uno de los nodos puede ejecutar estas tareas y, además, está interesado en que éstas se ejecuten. Cada nodo dispone de capacidad para la ejecución de cada una de las tareas. El coste para cada nodo es una información que no puede ser auditada y que es únicamente conocido por el nodo en cuestión. Suponemos que los nodos pueden mentir sobre su coste si eso les supone un beneficio; por ejemplo, por el ahorro que implicaría verse libre de ejecutar las tareas.
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