A far-reaching collaboration agreement that includes provisions for several forms of collaboration as listed above.
Visit web arrow_right_altDevelopment and integration of sensors and communications for advanced services in 6G
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Technologies for sensing and communication in 6G networks
IMDEA Networks is the project coordinator
Advancing 6G-RAN through multi-technology, multi-sensor fusion, multi-band and multi-static perception
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Optimized resource integration and global architecture for mobile infrastructure for 6G
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Joint Communication and Sensing in 6G Networks
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Scalable and Cost Competitive Data Collection and Analysis Techniques for Social Probing
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Enhancing Digital Security, Privacy and TRUST in softWARE
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Network intelligence for aDAptive and sElf-Learning MObile Networks
IMDEA Networks is the project coordinator
Advanced techniques to enhance the intelligence of 5G networks
IMDEA Networks is the project coordinator
Connectivity management for eneRgy Optimised Wireless Dense networks
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
GDPR Compliance Cloud Platform for Micro Enterprises
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Influence of Algorithms in Users' Filter Bubbles
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Building the next generation personal data platforms
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Interworking and JOINt Design of an Open Access and Backhaul Network Architecture for Small Cells based on Cloud Networks
IMDEA Networks is the project coordinator
5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials
IMDEA Networks Institute participates as a third party of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices
IMDEA Networks Institute participates as a third party of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Towards transparencY and Privacy in the onlinE advertising business
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
enhanced COntent distribUtion with Social INformation
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
Towards Real Energy-efficient Network Design - The Network of Excellence on Energy-Efficient Networking
IMDEA Networks Institute is a Collaborating Institution in this project
FLexible Architecture for Virtualizable wireless future Internet Access
IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project
MultimEDia transport for mobIlE Video AppLications
IMDEA Networks Institute participates as a third party of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Technologies for information and communications, Europe – east Asia Mobilities
IMDEA Networks is an Associated Partner in this project
From Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control
IMDEA Networks Institute participates as a third party of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Integrated technologies for management and operation of 5G networks
IMDEA Networks is the project coordinator