Event Category: In-house Presentation

An Analysis of Pre-installed Android Software

The open-source nature of the Android OS makes it possible for manufacturers to ship custom versions of the OS along...

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Tales from the Porn: A Comprehensive Privacy Analysis of the Web Porn

Because of the sensitive content that they offer, modern privacy regulations try to control user tracking activities in such sites....

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LEAP: Location Estimation and Predictive Handover with Consumer-Grade mmWave Devices

Future millimeter-wave networks will support very high densities of devices and access points. This vastly increases the overhead required for...

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El espectro electromagnético: de la radio FM al Internet de las Cosas

IMDEA Networks se une a La Feria Madrid por la Ciencia y la Innovación, evento líder nacional para la divulgación...

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Highlights of SIGCOMM 2018

The Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM) is a leading venue for research in...

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A Long Way to the Top: Significance, Structure, and Stability of Internet Top Lists

A broad range of research areas including Internet measurement, privacy, and network security rely on lists of target domains to...

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P=NP, el problema del millón de dólares. ¿Un algoritmo para resolver cualquier problema matemático?

Los problemas matemáticos tienen distintos niveles de complejidad, pero, ¿será posible encontrar un algoritmo eficiente que resuelva cualquiera de ellos?...

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Connecting Battery-free IoT Tags Using LED Bulbs

We introduce BackVLC, a system to connect battery-free IoT tags using LED bulbs. We make use of bulbs beyond illumination....

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Adaptive Codebook Optimization for Beam Training on Off-the-Shelf IEEE 802.11ad Devices

Beamforming is vital to overcome the high attenuation in wireless millimeter-wave networks. It enables nodes to steer their antennas in...

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Anchorless Underwater Acoustic Localization using a Single Receiving Element

We consider the problem of estimating the trajectory of a submerged source emitting acoustic signals by employing a single passive...

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