Event Category: External Presentation (External Speaker)

On Three Research Problems

In this talk, I will present applications of the communication theory framework to three research problems. The first is a...

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Overview of Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) with Applications to Network Anomaly Detection (NAD)

In this talk, we will give an overview of «adversarial» attacks on deep learning, generally known as adversarial machine learning...

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The hardware and software design for a Cyber-IoT-Physical system

Recently, there has been an enormous interest in Internet of Things (IoT) systems, and a large deployment of IoT systems...

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Tackling the Energy Asymmetry between Sensing, Computation, and Communication in Wireless Embedded Systems

Wireless Embedded Systems have seen tremendous growth with a vast number of deployed devices, with their numbers continuing to increase...

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Roundabouts as Switches: Synchro [& Turbo] Roundabouts with Rotating Priority Sectors (STYROPS) for High-Capacity, Safe, and Sustainable Roundabouts

We look at roundabouts as synchronous car multiplexers to overcome the current limitations of roundabouts in capacity, safety, and energy...

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How to Protect Software through Patents and Trade Secrets

Computer programs may be protected by patents if they meet requirements that vary from one jurisdiction to another. We will...

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Reassessing User Privacy in a Hyperconnected Internet

In this talk, I will present my research on investigating and assessing the state of user privacy in a rapidly...

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When criminals are mastering the Internet: emerging threats and challenges

Cyber-dependent crimes have rocketed in recent years. Illicit services, knowledge and tools are a commodity exchanged in anonymous online markets....

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Age of Information: Analysis and Optimization

Remote monitoring of an information source (or a process of interest) is inherent to emerging applications in various domains including...

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Towards Understanding the Information Ecosystem Through the Lens of Multiple Web Communities

The Web consists of numerous Web communities, news sources, and services, which are often exploited by various entities for the...

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