Event Category: External Presentation (External Speaker)

Can Today’s 5G Networks Support 5G “Killer Apps”?

5G rollout started in 2019 and the wide-scale deployment has been rapid and aggressively marketed by all mobile network operators....

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Dynamics of P2P Blockchain Networks

Blockchain-based distributed systems—such as cryptocurrencies—are now a major part of the global financial infrastructure and function as a mechanism for...

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Accelerated and Sparse Algorithms for Approximate Personalized PageRank

This talk will go over the basics of the PageRank problem, studied initially by the founders of Google, which allowed...

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AI Hits the Streets: Real-time Mapping with Edge AI

Today’s digital maps fall short of the freshness and precision that software driven auto OEMs, autonomous vehicles, and mobility players...

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Overview of Research and Standards in ETSI

About David Boswarthick David is currently the ETSI Director of New Technologies (NET), which involves tracking the latest ICT technology...

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Some models of automata networks: convergence and complexity

Prof. Eric Goels will present two models of automata networks: threshold automata, characterizing their convergence for different updates modes and...

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Coded Caching in Heterogeneous Scenarios

Coded caching is a technique for reducing congestion in communication networks by prefetching content during idle periods and exploiting multicasting...

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Graph Constructions for Machine Learning Applications: New Insights and Algorithms

Graphs have long been used in various problems, such as analyzing social networks, machine learning, network protocol optimization, or image...

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Beyond Third-Party Cookies: Safeguarding User Data from Storage and Exfiltration with CookieGraph and PURL

The online tracking ecosystem has grown increasingly sophisticated in response to anti-tracking browser countermeasures and emerging privacy regulations. The central...

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From Quantum Algorithms to Quantum Services with PlanQK

P PlanQK is a platform that provides an ecosystem for the hosting and deployment of quantum services. In this presentation,...

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