Nowadays, we are experiencing a growing interest in data science, a relatively new discipline at the intersection between Statistical Learning, Engineering and Operations Research in which practitioners develop and use techniques and algorithms to extract useful insights from an increasing number of huge collections of data. However, the real challenge is not only to find proper ways to deal with the volume of data but also be able to cope with their velocity, variety, veracity and value (the so-called 5 Vs of Big Data). The majority of the datasets are characterized by a large number of high-dimensional patterns, such as those found in genetics, chemistry, finance etc. Others are also characterized by a high level of noise or missing values.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altThe Internet faces a fundamental resource shortage problem: We have run out of freely available IPv4 address space. Today, four out of five of the registries serving the global demand for IPv4 address space have exhausted their address reserves. Networks in need of IPv4 address space can no longer get more address allocations from their respective registries.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altSe hará una demostración de avances tecnológicos logrados por el proyecto 5G-Crosshaul a representantes de Telefónica el 4 de octubre de 2016, en el Instituto IMDEA Networks.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altThe lack of predictive power over complex systems either designed by humans or evolved by nature, is a foundational problem in contemporary science. Real networks such as the Internet, the Web, social and biological networks, have acquired emergent large-scale properties that are beyond our full understanding, much less prediction or control. Astonishingly, these emergent properties are the same across networks from drastically different domains, and are the ones required to facilitate the optimality of some important network functions, such as information transport.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altWe discuss some applications of Bayesian games to interesting networking scenarios.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altMultipath transport protocols like MPTCP transfer data across multiple routes in parallel and deliver it in order at the receiver. When the delay on one or more of the paths is variable, as is commonly the case, out of order arrivals are frequent and head of line blocking leads to high latency. This is exacerbated when packet loss, which is also common with wireless links, is tackled using ARQ.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altTechnology now offers the possibility of delivering a vast range of low-cost people-centric services to citizens. Internet of Things (IoT) supporting technologies are becoming robust, viable and cheaper.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altModern wearable devices allow monitoring vital parameters such as heart or respiratory rates, electrocardiogram, photo-plethysmographic or even video signals, and are being massively commercialized in the consumer electronics market.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altWith rapid development of networks and their proliferated applications, energy consumption of the networks has been a major concern for both network design, management, and applications. Routing protocols and algorithms have important effect on network energy consumption.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altWhile substantial effort has been devoted to understand fraudulent activity in traditional online advertising (search and banner), more recent forms such as video ads have received little attention.
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