Award Category: Paper

Best-in-Session Presentation Award


Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Konstantinos Samdanis, Xavier Costa-Perez, Dario Bega, Marco Gramaglia, Albert Banchs (May 2017)

Mobile Traffic Forecasting for Maximizing 5G Network resource Utilization (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2017), 1-4 May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA

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Best-in-Session Presentation Award


Marco Gramaglia, Marco Fiore, Alberto Tarable, Albert Banchs (May 2017)

Preserving Mobile Subscriber Privacy in Open Datasets of Spatiotemporal Trajectories (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2017), 1-4 May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA

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"Best Reading Topics on Device-to-Device Communications"

En enero de 2017, IEEE COMSOC publicó una lista de las mejores lecturas sobre comunicaciones de dispositivo a dispositivo ("BEST READINGS TOPICS ON DEVICE-TO-DEVICE COMMUNICATIONS" ). La lista cubre publicaciones de los últimos 10 años. Testimonio del reconocimiento internacional al impacto y la calidad de la investigación realizada en IMDEA Networks en los últimos años es la inclusión en dicha lista de los siguientes artículos publicados por nuestros científicos:

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Runner up to the Best Paper Award


Qing Wang, Marco Zuniga, Domenico Giustiniano (December 2016)

Passive Communication with Ambient Light (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 12th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT 2016), 12-15 December 2016, Irvine, California, USA

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Best Student Paper Award with Experiments in Memory of Giovanni Toso


Francesca Meneghello, Filippo Campagnaro, Roee Diamanto, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi (October 2016)

Design and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Acoustic Chamber for Underwater Networking Experiments (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 11th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (ACM WUWNet 2016), 24–26 October 2016, Shanghai, China

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Best Student Paper Award


Joan Palacios, Danilo De Donno, Domenico Giustiniano, Joerg Widmer (September 2016)

Speeding Up mmWave Beam Training through Low-Complexity Hybrid Transceivers (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE, PIMRC 2016), 4-7 September 2016, Valencia, Spain

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Best Demo Award


Ozgu Alay, Andra Lutu, Rafael García, Miguel Peón-Quirós, Vincenzo Mancuso, Thomas Hirsch, Tobial Dely, Jonas Werme, Kristian Eversen, Audun Hansen, Stefan Alfredsson, Jonas Karlsson, Anna Brunstrom, Ali Safari Khatouni, Marco Mellia, Marco Ajmone Marsan, Roberto Monno, Hakon Lonsethagen (June 2016)

Measuring and Assessing Mobile Broadband Networks with MONROE (Demo) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 17th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2016), 21-24 June 2016, Coimbra, Portugal

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Best-in-Session Presentation Award


Arash Asadi, Vincenzo Mancuso, Rohit Gupta (April 2016)

An SDR-based Experimental Study of Outband D2D Communications (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 35th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2016), 10-15 April 2016, San Francisco, USA
Este artículo fue seleccionado para aparecer en Tech Focus de IEEE Communication Society el 1 de diciembre de 2016. Temática: MAC/PHY Prototyping Platform.

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Honorable Mention


José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Giora Alexandron, Zhongzhou Chen, David E. Pritchard (April 2016)

Using Multiple Accounts for Harvesting Solutions in MOOCs (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 3rd ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S 2016), 25-26 April 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

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Best Paper Award


Christian Vitale, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Arash Asadi, Vincenzo Mancuso (November 2015)

Two-level Opportunistic Spectrum Management for Green 5G Radio Access Networks (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 5th IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (OnlineGreenCom 2015), 10-12 November 2015, Virtual Conference

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