Research Engineer position in 5G+ localization and contact tracing

Pervasive Wireless Systems Group

Fecha límite de recepción de solicitudes: 31 Marzo 2022, 14:00h Horario Europa/Madrid

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English.

IMDEA Networks’ Pervasive Wireless System Group headed by Prof. Domenico Giustiniano invites applications for a research engineer position.

The selected candidate will work in national and international projects on localization and contact tracing using 5G and beyond networks.

As a member of the team, the researcher will be involved in cutting edge research, will participate in international projects with academic and industrial partners, and will perform experimental work with close interaction with PostDoc, PhD students and international collaborators.

Skills Required

  • Experience in building systems and experimental work in the area of wireless systems
  • Experience with Open Air Interface (
  • Very good organization and communication skills
  • Interest in co-mentoring students
  • Publications records is a plus

Academic Qualifications

  • MSc or PhD in computer science, telecommunication engineering, electrical engineering, or a related field

Contract Duration & Type

  • 12 months, renewable based on performance
  • Full-time contract. Includes social and health benefits

Este contrato está propuesto a ser financiado por el fondo REACT-UE, cuya expresión de interés ha sido presentada a la Comunidad de Madrid por la Fundación IMDEA Networks a través del programa CONTACT-CM

  1. Recuerda seleccionar la opción: Research Engineer & Support: [Research Engineer] [position in 5G+ localization and contact tracing] [2022]
  2. Fecha límite de recepción de solicitudes: 31 Marzo 2022, 14:00h Horario Europa/Madrid
  3. Si es necesario escoge como supervisor a Domenico GIUSTINIANO