PostDoc Position in OppArch Lab
Opportunistic Architectures Lab
Fecha límite de recepción de solicitudes: 03 Marzo 2022, 14:00h Horario Europa/Madrid
The candidate will work in the OppArch Lab, led by Vincenzo Mancuso. The members of the OppArch Lab focus on solutions for extremely high-performing opportunistic architectures for highly dense cellular networks and for infrastructure-less wireless services.
Skills Required
The candidate post-doc must be expert in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and in particular reinforcement learning methods and design, as well as in network protocols of the TCP/IP stack, radio access technologies and protocols, and 5G network services; he/she must also be proficient in data analysis with python and associated development tools. He/she must also be skilled with scientific publications in top venues.
Academic Qualifications
PhD in computer science, telecommunication engineering, electrical engineering, or a related field (at submission time, it will be enough to plan the PhD defense within a few weeks, before starting the job).
The researcher will work in collaboration with researchers and students of the IMDEA Networks Institute, perform experimental research and develop cutting edge methods, based on machine learning, for the design and analysis edge computing systems meant to support novel services in cellular networks.
- Este contrato está cofinanciado a través del Programa TAPIR-CM (S2018/TCS-4496) de la convocatoria de ayudas para la realización de Programas de I+D de Tecnologías 2018 de la Comunidad de Madrid.
- Este contrato está cofinanciado en un 50% por el Fondo Social Europeo para el período de programación 2014-2020″.
- Este contrato está confinanciado por el Proyecto, DiscoLedger, Computación distribuida mediante el aprendizaje de datos y la recopilación de recursos Edge/Cloud de referencia PDC2021-121836-I00 y financiado por MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea Next GenerationEU/ PRTR.
- Este contrato está confinanciado por el Proyecto, AEON-CPS, Inteligencia de red para soporte de sistemas ciberfísicos este proyecto de referencia TSI-063000- 2021-38 está financiado por la Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU a través del Plan de Resiliencia, Transformación y Recuperación del Gobierno de España y su Programa UNICO 5G Redes.

Este puesto se cerró automáticamente el Horario Europa/Madrid
- Recuerda seleccionar la opción:
Post-Doc: [Post-Doc Researcher] [Opportunistic Architectures Group] [2022]
- Fecha límite de recepción de solicitudes: 03 Marzo 2022, 14:00h Horario Europa/Madrid
- Si es necesario escoge como supervisor a Vincenzo MANCUSO