Archivos: Events

Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2023

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo es trabajar en el mundo de las telecomunicaciones? Ahora es tu oportunidad de descubrirlo...

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ARES: A God of War to Bring “Peace" to Heterogeneous Robots

Robot Swarms consists of a special type of distributed systems where robots exchange sensed data in order to coordinate robot...

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AI in the Gray: Exploring Moderation Policies in Dialogic Large Language Models vs. Human Answers in Controversial Topics

The introduction of ChatGPT and the subsequent improvement of Large Language Models (LLMs) have prompted more and more individuals to...

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Global IoT testbed for security and privacy research in the real world

IoT devices are known to have security and privacy risks, but studying these risks in a real-world context has been...

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SLICES National Roadshow

En este evento se presentará el nodo español SLICES (SLICES-ES), que cuenta con la participación de IMDEA Networks, la Universidad...

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Rods with Laser Beams: Understanding Browser Fingerprinting on Phishing Pages

Phishing is one of the most common forms of social engineering attacks and is regularly used by criminals to compromise...

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European Research Council (ERC) Grants Event – Horizonte Europa

El departamento de Proyectos y Financiación de IMDEA Networks se complace en anunciar un evento de formación, con el objetivo...

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Las 5 misiones de la UE vistas por los investigadores de IMDEA (II) en La Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras de Madrid 2022

La Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras de Madrid 2023 coordinada en por la Fundación para el Conocimiento madrimasd, es una acción...

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In-depth analysis of the Android supply chain: Vendor customizations on critical networking components

The openness and extensibility of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) enable Android device vendors, also known as Original Equipment...

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Distributed Computing: A Guided Tour

During my stay at IMDEA Networks, I have remarked that the terms “distributed computing” sounded like dark magic to some...

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