Archivos: Events

A high-resolution service-level traffic dataset

The study of sociology and intrinsic human characteristics is reaching new frontiers after getting the access of mobile data sources....

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Quantum Networks: A stepping stone towards the Quantum Internet

The field of Quantum Communications has seen a rapid transition from a theoretical topic at the boundary of Physics and...

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Swarm Robotics: a new “swiss knife” framework for designing, modeling, and experimenting with networks

Swarm Robotics (SR) is a fast-growing field that studies the behavior of large, networked groups of autonomous agents. Due to...

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Data-driven Approaches for Assessing the Security and Privacy of Digital Infrastructures

Modern internet applications are complex software artifacts, hosted on multiple infrastructures that rely on one another to provide proper functionality....

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AutoManager: a Meta-Learning Model for Network Management from Intertwined Forecasts

A variety of network management and orchestration (MANO) tasks take advantage of predictions to support anticipatory decisions. In many practical...

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Graph reconstruction in the congested clique

The congested clique model is a message-passing model of distributed computing where the underlying communication network is the complete graph...

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Bienal Ciudad y Ciencia 2023

IMDEA Networks participa, junto al resto de institutos IMDEA, en la Bienal Ciudad y Ciencia, que se celebrará entre los...

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Path Aware QoS Systems

Path Aware Networking (PAN) allows us to look at existing solutions from a different perspective. For QoS architectures, one of...

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kaNSaaS: Joint Admission Control and Resource Allocation of Network Slices with Overbooking

Cloud-native mobile networks pave the road for long-envisioned Network Slicing as a Service (NSaaS) paradigms.  Beyond well-studied management challenges of...

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Transfiere, Foro Europeo para la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación 2023

IMDEA Networks participa en Transfiere, Foro Europeo para la Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, que celebrará su duodécima edición los días...

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