Archivos: Events

You and your the cloud

The cloud is not just merely moving some machines from one location to a far remote location. It should also...

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Towards Continuous and Unobtrusive Sensing of Health and Behavior

Wearable sensors offer tremendous opportunities for accelerating biomedical discovery, and improving population-scale health and wellness. There is a growing appetite...

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A Long Way to the Top: Significance, Structure, and Stability of Internet Top Lists

A broad range of research areas including Internet measurement, privacy, and network security rely on lists of target domains to...

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The Roaming Edge

Edge computing provides a new way to implement services with many unique advantages. While many edge computing solutions have been implemented within...

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Information Management in Vehicular Networks: Relevance-Aware Networking for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems require an enormous amount of sensor data. The data sensed by the vehicle’s onboard sensors is...

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Ad hoc, sensor, IoT, fog... - past, current and future research challenges of networking without (heavy) infrastructure

We often talk in capital letters about the Internet as a single system, unified by standardized protocols and supported by...

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Apply AI in your field of choice for fun and profit

Artificial intelligence and machine learning, particularly in its latest incarnation of deep learning, can act as a powerful amplifying factor...

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El impacto de las tecnologías digitales en la transformación del comercio internacional y en su desarrollo

El comercio y la tecnología están estrechamente relacionados entre sí. Desde la invención de la rueda hasta la revolución de...

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Middleware for IoT based on data analytics

The IoT platforms must allow the communication between applications and devices according to non-functional requirements. Some of the main requirements...

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P=NP, el problema del millón de dólares. ¿Un algoritmo para resolver cualquier problema matemático?

Los problemas matemáticos tienen distintos niveles de complejidad, pero, ¿será posible encontrar un algoritmo eficiente que resuelva cualquiera de ellos?...

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