Archivos: Events

Data Fusion for Hybrid and Autonomous Time-of-Flight Positioning

Existing mobile devices such as smartphones rely on a multi-radio access technology (RAT) architecture to provide pervasive location information in...

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Communication-Driven Localization and Mapping for Millimeter Wave Networks

Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications are an essential component of 5G-and-beyond ultra-dense Gbit/s wireless networks, but also pose significant challenges related...

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Juega a través de la luz

Una actividad de divulgación científica sobre la comunicación por luz visible (VLC) IMDEA Networks participa en uno de los stands...

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Reunión de interesados MONROE: Las redes de banda ancha en el Sur de Europa

En el marco del proyecto europeo H2020 MONROE, IMDEA Networks reunirá en Madrid a operadores y reguladores de países del...

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Trust computing for more secure cloud? or not?

Cloud computing provides significant benefits, such as new services and convenience to private individuals and cost savings to businesses. But...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Methods for revealing and reshaping the African Internet ecosystem as a case study for developing regions: From isolated networks to a connected continent

While connecting end-users worldwide, the Internet increasingly promotes local development by making challenges much simpler to overcome, regardless of the...

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IMDEA-CSI: Investigando en la escena del crimen en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores de Madrid 2017

¿Qué pueden aportar la ciencia y la tecnología al trabajo policial? ¿Quién es más inquisitivo, un científico o un policía?...

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Boosting 5G Research through Industry-Academic Partnerships

5TONIC Vice-President Arturo Azcorra delivered a talk entitled ‘Boosting 5G Research through Industry-Academic Partnerships’ at the MIT Media Lab. At this interdisciplinary research...

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Innovating in a start-up and in a multinational corporation in Spain

In this talk, Pablo Molinero will provide a personal view about innovation in Spain, based on his personal experience when...

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6th IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop: 5G Network Revolution

IMDEA Networks Institute annually holds a by-invitation-only thematic workshop in Madrid. The workshop accompanies a meeting of our Scientific Council comprised of...

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