Archivos: Events

El espectro electromagnético: de la radio FM al Internet de las Cosas

IMDEA Networks se une a La Feria Madrid por la Ciencia y la Innovación, evento líder nacional para la divulgación...

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ETSI ISG MEC visita el laboratorio de 5TONIC

Visita exclusiva al laboratorio de trabajo conjunto de 5TONIC 5G en Madrid de representantes del International Steering Group (ISG) sobre...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Enhanced connectivity in wireless mobile programmable networks

The infrastructure of current 4G mobile networks is being challenged by new data-hungry and latency-sensitive services appearing every day. To...

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Highlights of SIGCOMM 2018

The Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM) is a leading venue for research in...

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Mobile robots, from gram scale to aquatic flying vehicles

The talk will focus on the design of a gram scaled insect-inspired robot, discussing the challenges that the scale presents,...

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New Directions in Ultra-low Power Communication and Computation

Wearable and IoT devices increasingly use high-rate sensors such as IMUs, microphones, and cameras that operate at ultra-low power budgets...

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You and your the cloud

The cloud is not just merely moving some machines from one location to a far remote location. It should also...

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Towards Continuous and Unobtrusive Sensing of Health and Behavior

Wearable sensors offer tremendous opportunities for accelerating biomedical discovery, and improving population-scale health and wellness. There is a growing appetite...

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A Long Way to the Top: Significance, Structure, and Stability of Internet Top Lists

A broad range of research areas including Internet measurement, privacy, and network security rely on lists of target domains to...

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The Roaming Edge

Edge computing provides a new way to implement services with many unique advantages. While many edge computing solutions have been implemented within...

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