Archivos: Events

FLAVIA: Project Plenary Meeting

La importancia de las redes inalámbricas para la Futura Internet crece a un ritmo acelerado a medida que los dispositivos móviles se convierten cada vez más en su punto de acceso. No obstante, y como consecuencia de su diseño arquitectónico rígido, las redes inalámbricas actuales no son capaces de adaptarse rápidamente a contextos y necesidades de servicio evolutivos. Creemos que la capacidad de Internet para mantenerse al día con la innovación procede directamente de su dependencia de la abstracción tradicional de una Internet basada en capas.

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Traffic Attraction through Prefix Deaggregation: An Economic Perspective

ISPs (Internet Service Providers) typically operate as commercial ASes (Autonomous Systems) and obtain revenue by delivering IP (Internet Protocol) traffic of their customers. In particular, the provider-free ASes - which reach the entire Internet without paying anyone for the traffic delivery - sell IP transit to numerous other ASes. IP prefix deaggregation gives the deaggregator some control over Internet traffic flows but increases the memory requirements of IP routers.

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Game Theory for Cooperative Networks

Game theoretical techniques have recently become prevalent in a wide range of engineering applications, notably, in wireless and communication networks. With the emergence of novel networking paradigms such as cognitive radio or cooperative communications and the need for self-organizing and decentralized networks, it has become imperative to seek game theoretical tools that allow studying and analyzing the interactions of the nodes in future communication networks. In this talk, following a brief overview on the fundamentals and potential of game theory, we put a particular emphasis on coalitional game theory, which is a branch of game theory that deals with cooperative behavior.

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Synchronized Protocols: From Safe Cyber-­Physical Systems to the Next ARPA-­Net

We are entering an era where accurately synchronized clocks are economical and are becoming commonplace. Commercial GPS units synchronize clocks within 10’s of micro-­‐seconds. Chip sets that implement the IEEE 1588 standard are synchronizing clocks within a fraction of a nano-­‐second to improve the probability of collisions in particle colliders.

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Deconstructing Stellar Consensus

Some of the recent blockchain proposals, such as Stellar and Ripple, allow for open membership while using quorum-like structures typical for...

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Don't accept candies from strangers: An analysis of third-party SDKs

Mobile app developers often include third-party Software Development Kits (SDKs) in their software to externalize services and features, or monetize...

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Have You Ever Rebooted a Digital City? Introducing the emergenCITY Project

1In 2050, roughly two-thirds of the world population are expected to live in urban areas. The sustainable growth in number...

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Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with In-Network Aggregation

Training complex machine learning models in parallel is an increasingly important workload. We accelerate distributed parallel training by designing a...

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Smartphone Positioning with Radio Measurements from a Single WiFi Access Point

Despite the large literature on localization, there is no solution yet to localize a commercial off-the-shelf smartphone device using radio...

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Q-Tag: A transparent solution to measure ads viewability rate in online advertising campaigns

Viewability is one of the most important metrics used in ad-tech to measure the performance quality of ad campaigns. The...

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