Archivos: Events

Auctions of Licensed vs Unlicensed Use of Spectrum

Auctions have regained interest from researchers due to its different new applications (Google AdWords auctions, cloud computing auctions, privacy auctions, and white spaces spectrum auctions). In this work in particular we explore auctions for spectrum that can be allocated either to a single bidder (for licensed use) or to a collection of bidders (for unlicensed use).

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Insights on Distributed Backup and Storage

While a considerable amount of research has been devoted to peer-to-peer backup and storage, no such system actually became widely adopted in the wild. My take on this is that there is the opportunity to build better, and possibly more successful, systems: while some design issues (e.g., erasure coding and data indexing) have been well explored, others have been barely scratched.

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Defensa Tesis doctoral: Control-Theoretic Adaptive Mechanisms for Performance Optimization of IEEE 802.11 WLANs: Design, Implementation and Experimental Evaluation

The media access control (MAC) layer of the IEEE 802.11 standard specifies a set of parameters that regulate the behavior of the wireless stations when accessing the channel. Although the standard defines a set of recommended values for these parameters, they are statically set and do not take into account the current conditions in the wireless local area network (WLAN) in terms of, e.g., number of contending stations and the traffic they generate, which results in suboptimal performance.

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ErdOS: The Case for Opportunistic Social Computing

Mobile devices are energy-limited. Both industry and the research community proposed solutions to overcome these limitations with relative success at different levels such as hardware, operating system and even applications.

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Flow allocation with joint channel and power assignment in multihop radio networks using game theory

Autonomous, self-configuring multihop networks present a versatile solution to provide broadband services with infrastructure-less deployments and decentralized management. Furthermore, their intrinsic adaptability and resilience can be enhanced with cognitive radio technology, enabling the nodes of the network to adjust their transmitting parameters to the specific operational environment.

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Stochastic Modeling with METFAC

METFAC-2.1 is a software tool for stochastic modeling using Markov reward models, i.e. continuous-time Markov chains with a reward rate structure on their state space. The tool has been developed under the direction of Prof. Juan A. Carrasco and offers many state-of-the-art numerical methods as well as simulation methods.

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Cooperative communication schemes for ad hoc and sensor networks

The talk will cover recent results on cooperative communication schemes for ad hoc and sensor networks. We will first discuss the offline computation of optimal policies for multi-hop virtual MISO transmission for distributed ad hoc networks in the presence of channel impairments such as path loss and multipath fading. Thus, we will elaborate on heuristic and opportunistic routing policies, by comparing their performance to that of optimal routing.

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TREND Project Plenary Meeting & Open Day

On Sep 26th and 27th we organize a meeting of the EU project TREND. The research conducted in this project is in the field of energy efficient networking. The second day of the project is dedicated to several research talks by members of the project as well as some external speakers. Those interested in attending to these sessions are welcome to do so. The only requirement is to complete the registration form by Thursday, September 22nd



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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Vanet-Based Optimization of Infotainment and Traffic Efficiency Vehicular Services

The design, standardization and future deployment of vehicular communications systems have been driven so far by safety applications. There are two more aspects of the vehicular networking that have increased their importance in the last years: Infotainment and traffic efficiency, as they can improve drivers' experience, making vehicular communications systems more attractive to end-users.

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A SOFT Way for OpenFlow Switch Interoperability Testing

In this talk, I will present SOFT, a tool for testing the interoperability of OpenFlow switches. Our key insight is in automatically identifying the testing inputs that cause different OpenFlow agent implementations to behave inconsistently. To this end, we first symbolically execute each agent under test in isolation to derive which set of inputs causes which behavior. We then crosscheck all distinct behaviors across different agent implementations and evaluate whether a common input subset causes inconsistent behaviors. Our evaluation shows that our tool identified several inconsistencies between the publicly available Reference OpenFlow switch and Open vSwitch implementations.

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