This work, using a game-theoretic approach, considers Internet-based computations, where a master processor assigns, over the Internet, a computational task to a set of untrusted worker processors, and collects their responses. The master must obtain the correct task result, while maximizing its benefit. Building on prior work, we consider a framework where altruistic, malicious, and rational workers co-exist. In addition, we consider the possibility that the communication between the master and the workers is not reliable, and that workers could be unavailable; assumptions that are very realistic for Internet-based master-worker computations.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altInterest in underwater acoustic networking research has grown rapidly in the past few years. Fundamental differences between underwater acoustic propagation and terrestrial radio propagation call for new criteria for the design of communications systems and networking protocols. In this talk, we will provide an overview of the main challenges posed by the underwater acoustic propagation environment, with special emphasis on networking and protocol design issues, and provide novel insights that are useful in guiding both protocol design and network deployment. We will then address in more detail some specific examples of how the unique features of underwater propagation and acoustic modems affect protocol design. In particular, we will (1) focus on the energy consumption profile of acoustic modems and its impact on the design of topology control mechanisms and on the trade-off between sleep cycles and wake-up modes, and (2) present a novel energy-efficient routing protocol for underwater networks that explicitly accounts for the relationship between hop distance, bandwidth, and energy consumption.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altEn el marco de SIMO network 2011, la Fundación madri+d para el Conocimiento organiza una jornada de carácter internacional dedicada a la transferencia de tecnología, donde se facilita el intercambio de información entre potenciales socios tecnológicos.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altOpportunistic scheduling was initially proposed to exploit user channel diversity for network capacity enhancement. However, the achievable gain of opportunistic schedulers is generally restrained due to fairness considerations which impose a tradeoff between fairness and throughput. In this paper, we show via analysis and numerical simulations that opportunistic scheduling not only increases network throughput dramatically, but also increases energy efficiency and can be fair to the users when they cooperate, in particular by using D2D communications. We propose to leverage smartphone's dual-radio interface capabilities to form clusters among mobile users. We design simple, scalable and energy-efficient D2D-assisted opportunistic strategies, which would incentivize mobile users to form clusters. We use a coalitional game theory approach to analyze the cluster formation mechanism, and show that proportional fair-based intra-cluster payoff distribution brings significant incentive to all mobile users regardless of their channel quality.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altEfficient vehicle-to-Internet routing and address autoconfiguration are two of the missing pieces required to provide Internet connectivity from vehicles. Here, we propose TREBOL, a tree-based and configurable protocol which benefits from the inherent tree-shaped nature of vehicle to Internet traffic to reduce the signaling overhead while dealing efficiently with the vehicular dynamics.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altIn the talk I overview some recent results for optimization problems that originate in optical networks. They deal with optimizing the utilization of regenerators (switching components that regenerate a signal after a certain distance) and ADMs (Add-Drop Multiplexers).
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altThis presentation intends to extract some useful hints on how to successfully manage an internationalisation process. It is focused on the specific case of a Spanish very large company: Telefónica, the leading Spanish telecommunications operator and one of the Top Ten telcos in the worldwide ranking by market cap nowadays.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altNowadays users expect to experience highly dependable network connectivity and services. However, several recent episodes demonstrate that software errors and operator mistakes continue to cause undesired disturbances and outages. Software-defined networking (SDN) is a new kind of network architecture that decouples the control plane from the data plane - a vision currently embodied in OpenFlow. By logically centralizing the control-plane computation, SDN provides the opportunity to remove complexity from and introduce new functionality in our networks. On the other hand, as the network programmability enhances, risks arise that buggy software in network controllers may disrupt an entire network.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altThe increasing demand for higher data rates in cellular network results in increasing network density. As a consequence, inter-cell interference is becoming the most serious obstacle towards spectral efficiency. Therefore, considering that radio resources are limited and expensive, new techniques are required for efficient radio resource allocation in next generation cellular networks. In this paper, we propose a pure frequency reuse 1 scheme based on base station scheduling rather than the commonly adopted user scheduling. In particular, we formulate a base station scheduling problem to determine which base stations can be scheduled to simultaneously transmit, without causing excessive interference to any user of any of the scheduled base stations. We show that finding the optimal base station scheduling is NP-hard, and formulate the BASICS (BAse Station Inter-Cell Scheduling) algorithm, a novel heuristic to approximate the optimal solution at low complexity cost. The proposed algorithm is in line with the ABSF (almost blank sub-frame) technique recently standardized at the 3GPP. By means of numerical and packet-level simulations, we prove the effectiveness and superiority of BASICS as compared to the state of the art of inter-cell interference mitigation schemes.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altThe placement of regenerators in optical networks has become an active area of research during the last years. Given a set of lightpaths in a network G and a positive integer d, regenerators must be placed in such a way that in any lightpath there are no more than d hops without meeting a regenerator. In the talk I present a few optimization problems that arise within this framework.
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