Archivos: Events

Network Virtualization: Vision, Algorithms, Prototype

Virtualization is a powerful paradigm in computer science, as it allows to decouple software and services from the constraints of the underlying physical infrastructure. Virtualization is also one of the main innovation motors in today's Internet

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Harnessing Visible Light for Time Synchronization and Mobile Context Recognition

Visible light is ubiquitous in the cyber-space nowadays. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work about how to harness visible light for mobile computing applications in both temporal and spatial design domains. Our work leverages the fact that the fluorescent light intensity changes with a stable period, which can serve as both a global time reference and an indoor environment indicator.

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Publish/Subscribe for Large-Scale Social Interaction: Design, Analysis and Resource Provisioning

Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) is a popular communication paradigm in the design of large-scale distributed systems. We are witnessing an increasingly widespread use of the pub/sub for wide array of applications both in industry and academia and yet there is a lack of detailed study of a large-scale real-world pub/sub system.

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Expressive and efficient data path provision

One of the most important achievements of Software-Defined Networking is a possibility to redefine existing invariants in network management, This talk covers three important aspects of data path provision: (1) what should be flexible at the network element level to express various economic models and how different characteristics impact desired objective functions?; (2) how to represent this expressiveness efficiently on data plane; and 3) new abstractions that allow to integrate services from heterogeneous controllers without standardization of Northbound API.

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Safe Connected Vehicles

Our objective is to guarantee that vehicles that coordinate their operations will operate safely with all of the other vehicles, implemented by all of the other manufacturers, on the roadway.

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2013 IEEE OnlineGreenComm, the 3th International Online Conference on Green Communications

2013 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications is the 3rd edition of IEEE OnlineGreenComm conducted entirely online and dedicated to addressing the challenges in energy-efficient communications and communications for green technologies.

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Utility Optimization for Multi-Transmitter Wireless Data Systems

We study algorithms for carrier and rate allocation in cellular systems with distributed components such as a heterogeneous LTE system with macrocells and femtocells.  Existing work on LTE systems often involves centralized techniques or requires significant signaling, and is therefore not always applicable in the presence of femtocells. More distributed CSMA-based algorithms (carrier-sense multiple access) were developed in the context of 802.11 systems and have been proven to be utility optimal. However, the proof typically assumes a single transmission rate on each carrier. Further, it relies on the CSMA collision detection mechanisms to know whether a transmission is feasible. In this talk we present a framework for LTE scheduling that is based on CSMA techniques. In particular we first prove that CSMA-based algorithms can be generalized to handle multiple transmission rates in a multi-carrier setting while maintaining utility optimality.  We then show how such an algorithm can be implemented in a heterogeneous LTE system where the existing Channel Quality Indication (CQI) mechanism is used to decide transmission feasibility.

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Bitcoin. The TCP/IP of finances?

Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer payments network. It is the first and most widely used example of a new kind of money known as cryptocurrency. Transactions are fast, non-repudiable and almost anonymous. Fees are extremely cheap and every single transaction is stored in a ledger called the block chain.

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In3 conference: the first international conference on Internet Science

This unique conference will be the venue fostering dialogue among scholars and practitioners belonging to these disciplines.

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Understanding the Reachability of IPv6 Limited Visibility Prefixes

The main functionality of the Internet is to provide global connectivity for every node attached to it. In light of the IPv4 address space depletion, large networks are in the process of deploying IPv6. In this paper we perform an extensive analysis of how BGP route propagation affects global reachability of the active IPv6 address space in the context of this unique transition of the Internet infrastructure. We propose and validate a methodology for testing the reachability of an IPv6 address block active in the routing system. Leveraging the global visibility status of the IPv6 prefixes evaluated with the BGP Visibility Scanner, we then use this methodology to verify if the visibility status of the prefix impacts its reachability at the interdomain level. We perform active measurements using the RIPE Atlas platform. We test destinations with different BGP visibility degrees (i.e., limited visibility - LV, high visibility - HV and dark prefixes). We show that the IPv6 LV prefixes (v6LVPs) are generally reachable, mostly due to a less-specific HV covering prefix (v6HVP). However, this is not the case of the dark address space, which, by not having a covering v6HVP is largely unreachable. When talking about the results we present in this paper a better explanation of trace route and some basic concepts of BGP will be provided.

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