Archivos: Events

Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Structural Issues and Energy Efficiency in Data Centers

With the rise of cloud computing, data centers have been called to play a main role in the Internet scenario nowadays. Despite this relevance, they are probably far from their zenith yet due to the ever increasing demand of contents to be stored in and distributed by the cloud, the need of computing power or the larger and larger amounts of data being analyzed by top companies such as Google, Microsoft or Amazon.

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Future Adaptive Communication Systems Technology

Tablets and smartphones have become the favorite gateway to the Internet for a majority of users. Being equipped with plenty of sensors, these devices enable far more than traditional web browsing.

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IFIP WG 7.3 Performance 2014 – The 32nd International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation

El congreso “IFIP Performance” reúne a investigadores interesados en la comprensión y mejora del desempeño de los sistemas de comunicación mediante modelos cuantitativos y técnicas de solución de última generación.

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SustainIT 2015 – The 4th IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability

En los últimos años, la creciente concienciación social sobre la necesidad de contener el consumo de energía dentro de tasas sostenibles ha captado el interés de las comunidades empresarial y académica. En este escenario, Internet - y más en general las TIC - puede desempeñar un doble papel, siendo a la vez un importante consumidor de energía y un actor potencial en un cambio de dirección hacia un uso más inteligente de los recursos energéticos.

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OpenVLC: a Research Platform for Visible Light Communication Networks

In this talk, we introduce the OpenVLC, a software-defined open-source research platform for Visible Light Communication (VLC) networks. Built around the embedded Linux platform BeagleBone Black together with simple optoelectronic transceiver front-end, OpenVLC offers a basic physical layer, a set of essential medium access primitives, as well as interoperability with Internet protocols.

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Evento de selección de candidatos a becas Talentum Startup 2015

El 22 de abril de 2015, IMDEA Networks y Telefónica, en colaboración con la Fundación SEPI, lanzan una nueva edición del programa Talentum Startups.

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A Virtual Laboratory for Distributed Systems Research Examples in Research (MAKI) and Teaching

Networking research and development is an important field in information technology and its importance grows with the rise of the Internet and the ubiquity of worldwide communication.

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Quantifying Information Overload in Social Media and its Impact on Social Contagions

Information overload has become an ubiquitous problem in modern society. Social media users and microbloggers receive an endless flow of information, often at a rate far higher than their cognitive abilities to process the information.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Performance evaluation of floating content for context-aware applications

Context-awareness is a peculiar characteristic of an expanding set of applications that make use of a combination of restricted spatio-temporal locality and mobile communications, to deliver a variety of services. Opportunistic communications satisfy well the communication requirements of these applications, because they naturally incorporate context.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: A system for the detection of Limited Visibility in BGP

The performance of the global routing system is vital to thousands of entities operating the Autonomous Systems (ASes) which make up the Internet. The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is currently responsible for the exchange of reachability information and the selection of paths according to their specified routing policies.

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