Archivos: Events

Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Distributed Mobility Management for a Flat Architecture in 5G Mobile Networks: Solutions, Analysis and Experimental Validation

In the last years, the commercial deployment of data services in mobile networks has been evolving quickly, providing enhanced radio access technologies and more efficient network architectures.

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Looking forward with Information Centric Networks

Today the Internet, as we know it, stands as an increasingly important element in every societal domain. Never before have people (and machines) had such an amount of potential content at their fingertips (or interfaces), and different ways to share it.

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Steering with Eyes Closed: Millimeter Wave Beam Steering without In-Band Measurement

Spectrum scarcity and ever increasing densities of wireless network deployments have recently led to an opening of the 60 GHz millimeter-wave bands for unlicensed communication. In contrast to the previously used ISM bands below 5 GHz, a massive amount of 6-9 GHz of bandwidth is available at these frequencies. Usage of these resources is considered for wireless LAN and 5G cellular networks and with the ratification of the IEEE 802.11ad standard in December 2012, wireless LAN is about to bring millimeter-wave communication to the commercial market.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Economics of Internet Interdomain Interconnections

The Internet is an evolving ecosystem where a multitude of interconnected networks, or Autonomous Systems (ASes), support global connectivity of end users. 

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Patrolling by faulty robots

Mobile robots collaborate in order to solve efficiently the central problems in algorithmics of distributed computing like searching/exploration, rendez-vous or pattern formation. 

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RoCoCo: Receiver-initiated Opportunistic Data Collection and Command Multicasting for WSNs

Many data collection protocols have been proposed to cater for the energy-efficient flow of sensor data from distributed sources to a sink node. However, the transmission of control commands from the sink to one or only a small set of nodes in the network is generally unsupported by these protocols.

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Route Bazaar: Automatic Interdomain Contract Negotiation

While some see in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) a routing ambrosia to be enshrined, others perceive a basis of serious Internet connectivity limitations. Because the interdomain routing protocol realizes contracts between Autonomous Systems (ASes), this paper argues that contractual and routing issues need to be tackled jointly to overcome the connectivity limitations. We propose Route Bazaar, a backward-compatible system for flexible Internet connectivity. Inspired by the decentralized construction of trust in cryptocurrencies, Route Bazaar uses a decentralized public ledger and cryptography to provide ASes with automatic means to form, establish, and verify end-to-end connectivity agreements.

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Towards Preventive Safety Systems for Cars: The Impact of Driving Habits in Accident Prediction

The impact of car accidents in human lives calls for a profound understanding of accident risk. However, the unpredictability of accidents and the unfeasibility of their reproduction make it difficult to identify the causes and patterns underlying individual accidents.

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Floating Band D2D: Exploring and Exploiting the Potentials of Adaptive D2D-enabled Networks

In this paper, we propose Floating Band D2D, an adaptive framework to exploit the full potential of Device-to-Device (D2D) transmission modes.

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Lightweight Mobile Bandwidth Availability Measurement

Mobile data traffic is increasing rapidly and wire- less spectrum is becoming a more and more scarce resource. 

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