Archivos: Events

Una ciencia muy deportiva o Un deporte muy científico en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores de Madrid 2016

En el deporte profesional actual ¿qué es esfuerzo y qué ciencia? El deportista ¿nace o se hace? ¿Y el científico?

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ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability will be organizing its first NFV PlugtestsTM event on 23 January to 3 February 2017, hosted by 5TONIC Laboratory, headquartered at IMDEA Networks Institute, in Leganés, Madrid, Spain.

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Smart Antenna Systems and Reconfigurable Radios based on Functional Materials

There is a considerable demand for reconfigurable/tunable and compact devices in the Radio Frequency (RF) frontend modules as well as in the antenna systems in modern and future wireless systems for broadcast, communications, radar and imaging, either for frequency tuning and adaptive power matching as well as for polarization tuning and electronic beam steering.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Online Scheduling in Fault-Prone Systems: Performance Optimization and Energy Efficiency

Everyone is familiar with the problem of online scheduling, even if they are not aware of it; from the way we prioritize our everyday decisions to the way a delivery service must decide on the route to follow in order to cover the ongoing requests. In computer science this is a problem of even greater importance.

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The 4th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT 2008)

ACM CoNEXT 2008 is a major forum for future networking technologies. Previous CoNEXT Conferences have successfully encouraged original, long-term studies and contributed to the integration of networking research on an international level. The 4th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT 2008), will be hosted by the University Carlos III of Madrid. The conference will be a major forum for presentations and discussions of novel networking technologies, which are set to shape the future of Internetworking. We strive to open informative and stimulating debates between distinct international research communities. The conference is single-track and will feature a high-quality technical program, with significant opportunities for individual and small-group technical and social interactions. The main conference will also be preceded by three one-day workshops.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Prediction-based techniques for the optimization of mobile networks

Mobile cellular networks are complex system whose behavior is characterized by the superposition of several random phenomena, most of which, related to human activities, such as mobility, communications and network usage. However, when observed in their totality, the many individual components merge into more deterministic patterns and trends start to be identifiable and predictable.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Opportunistic Device-To-Device Communication In Cellular Networks: From Theory To Practice

Cellular service providers have been struggling with users’ demand since the emergence of mobile Internet. As a result, each generation of cellular network prevailed over its predecessors mainly in terms of connection speed.

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Workshop on OpenDayLight and NFV/SDN Orchestration

5TONIC, junto con IMDEA Networks, OpenDayLight, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) y Telefónica anuncian la celebración del evento ‘Workshop on OpenDayLight and NFV/SDN Orchestration’, que se celebrará en la UC3M el día 19 de octubre. Este evento es patrocinado por la Fundación Linux.

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Feature selection for smarter data analysis

Nowadays, we are experiencing a growing interest in data science, a relatively new discipline at the intersection between Statistical Learning, Engineering and Operations Research in which practitioners develop and use techniques and algorithms to extract useful insights from an increasing number of huge collections of data. However, the real challenge is not only to find proper ways to deal with the volume of data but also be able to cope with their velocity, variety, veracity and value (the so-called 5 Vs of Big Data). The majority of the datasets are characterized by a large number of high-dimensional patterns, such as those found in genetics, chemistry, finance etc. Others are also characterized by a high level of noise or missing values.

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IPv4 Address Space Exhaustion: Where Are We Now?

The Internet faces a fundamental resource shortage problem: We have run out of freely available IPv4 address space. Today, four out of five of the registries serving the global demand for IPv4 address space have exhausted their address reserves. Networks in need of IPv4 address space can no longer get more address allocations from their respective registries.

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