The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference focusing on premier research results at the intersection of embedded systems and wireless networking – an area of highest relevance for visionary technologies such as the Internet of Things or Cyber-Physical Systems and application domains such as Smart Production, Smart Cities, or Connected Cars.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altInvitado por 5TONIC, D. Carlos Gavilanes, Director de Estrategia de Telefónica Corp., ha compartido con algunos destacados expertos de IMDEA Networks y la Universidad Carlos III (UC3M) la visión de la compañía sobre las principales tendencias de la industria y las perspectivas sectoriales para los próximos tres años.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altPonentes del máximo nivel presentarán en esta jornada la futura tecnología de comunicaciones 5G, y los retos y oportunidades que 5G supondrá para múltiples sectores relevantes de la actividad económica. Las grandes empresas a nivel mundial ya se están posicionando para paliar las amenazas, y aprovechar las oportunidades, que 5G provocará a medio plazo.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altEl 6 de Noviembre de 2015 el Instituto IMDEA Materiales será el anfitrión de la I Conferencia IMDEA, Ciencia, Empresa y Sociedad, inaugurada por la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Dª Cristina Cifuentes y por la Secretaria de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Dª Carmen Vela.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altCooperative short-range communication schemes provide powerful tools to solve interference and resource shortage problems in wireless access networks. With such schemes, a mobile node with excellent cellular connectivity can momentarily accept to relay traffic for its neighbors experiencing poor radio conditions and use Device-to-Device
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altThe 'big data' scene has brought new improvement opportunities to most products and services, including education. Web-based learning has become very widespread over the last decade, which in conjunction with the MOOC phenomenon, it has enabled the collection of large and rich data samples regarding the interaction of students with these educational online environments.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altOver the past decades, large-scale and decentralized cyber-physical systems (CPS) have emerged, benefiting from the commoditization of computation, sensing and communication.
Both the use of very large arrays of antennas and flexible time division duplexing (TDD) designs have become prominent features of next generation 5G cellular systems.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altLearning and Intelligent Optimization (LION) is the combination of machine learning from data and optimization to solve challenging and dynamic problems, previously thought to require intelligent human intervention and creativity.
Seguir leyendo arrow_right_altLos datos masivos o datos a gran escala (Big Data) y la computación en la nube (Cloud Computing) son dos paradigmas que están evolucionando codo con codo y revolucionando como vivimos y trabajamos. La cantidad de datos que se genera en el mundo aumenta cada día, y no hay indicios de que esta tendencia se vaya a detener a corto plazo (o nunca).
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