Archivos: Events


On October 13 through 16, IMDEA Networks Institute will host IEEE ICNP 2020, the 28th annual edition of the IEEE...

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How to Protect Software through Patents and Trade Secrets

Computer programs may be protected by patents if they meet requirements that vary from one jurisdiction to another. We will...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Design And Development Of A Worldwide-Scale Measurement Methodology And Its Application In Network Measurements And Online Advertising Auditing

Online advertising has evolved into a key component of the Internet we know today. It is a very complex ecosystem...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Optimization Methods for Efficient Relay Techniques in Cellular Networks

Fast advance in the design of 5G cellular networks has motivated a lot of research that addresses challenges given by...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Time-based Indoor Positioning and Context Information using Commodity WiFi chipsets

In the last years indoor localization and applications that use positioning information have attracted a lot of attention from the...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Visible Light Communication Networks for IoT and its Applications

Visible Light Communication(VLC) has emerged in the last years as a new way to communicate. Using the existing lighting infrastructure,...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Deep Learning solutions for next generation slicing-aware mobile networks

By leveraging on novel concepts of virtualization and programmability, future 5G Net- works are expected to be reliable, high-performing and...

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Reassessing User Privacy in a Hyperconnected Internet

In this talk, I will present my research on investigating and assessing the state of user privacy in a rapidly...

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When criminals are mastering the Internet: emerging threats and challenges

Cyber-dependent crimes have rocketed in recent years. Illicit services, knowledge and tools are a commodity exchanged in anonymous online markets....

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Age of Information: Analysis and Optimization

Remote monitoring of an information source (or a process of interest) is inherent to emerging applications in various domains including...

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