Archivos: Events

Deployment of networking services in microservice-based UAV platforms: L2S-M

The promising combination of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with network virtualisation technologies has positively shown many advantages enabling the deployment...

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An Introduction to In-Band Network Intelligence

The concept of programmable networks became popular with the advent of software-defined networks with a programmable control plane. However, the...

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Characterizing RNTI Allocation and Management in Mobile Networks

The characterization of user behavior is key to performing traffic analysis, modeling, and optimization of network components and protocols. This...

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Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2021: Un sistema basado en Internet de las Cosas para monitorizar los incendios forestales

En los últimos años, se han producido incendios forestales en muchas partes del mundo causando daños catastróficos. Este verano, Ávila...

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Multi-interface network framework for UAV management and data communications

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) technologies are frequently presented as a potential way to improve the safety and efficiency of civil...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Routing optimization algorithms in integrated fronthaul/backhaul networks supporting multitenancy

This thesis aims to help in the definition and design of the 5th generation of telecommunications networks (5G) by modelling...

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How Blockchain can extend the remote-control range of a Robot while Machine learning is keeping it profitable

This talk consists of two articles: 1) DLT Federation for Edge Robotics – where the author shows how the remote-control...

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Machine learning for the physical layer design

New technologies such as mm-wave and MIMO will be key to meet the increasing performance demands for the next generation...

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Noche Europea de los Investigadores en Madrid 2021: ¿Qué haces tú para mejorar el planeta?

La cantidad cada vez mayor de dispositivos conectados está exigiendo la necesidad de nuevas técnicas de comunicación que no consuman...

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MEC–Assisted Platooning with Intelligent Controller Migration

The advent of multi access edge computing (MEC) will enable latency-critical applications such as cooperative adaptive cruise control (also known...

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