Archivos: Events

Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Deep Learning solutions for next generation slicing-aware mobile networks

By leveraging on novel concepts of virtualization and programmability, future 5G Net- works are expected to be reliable, high-performing and...

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Reassessing User Privacy in a Hyperconnected Internet

In this talk, I will present my research on investigating and assessing the state of user privacy in a rapidly...

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When criminals are mastering the Internet: emerging threats and challenges

Cyber-dependent crimes have rocketed in recent years. Illicit services, knowledge and tools are a commodity exchanged in anonymous online markets....

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Age of Information: Analysis and Optimization

Remote monitoring of an information source (or a process of interest) is inherent to emerging applications in various domains including...

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Towards Understanding the Information Ecosystem Through the Lens of Multiple Web Communities

The Web consists of numerous Web communities, news sources, and services, which are often exploited by various entities for the...

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My journey after IMDEA Networks; from doing research to working in a digital transformation company, StratioBD

In this seminar, one of the members of our Alumni Network, Dr. Elli Zavou, will take stock of her experience...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Leveraging online advertising platforms to measure and characterize digital inequalities

As the Internet is becoming a fundamental aspect of the society serving as a de facto platform for social and...

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Empirically Grounding Models of Censorship

Measuring and efficiently circumventing censorship of the Internet requires a realistic model of those entities blocking communications. We undertook an...

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Indoor Localization Using Commercial Off-The-Shelf 60 GHz Access Points

The very large bandwidth available in the 60 GHz band allows, in principle, to design highly accurate positioning systems. Integrating such systems with standard protocols (e.g., IEEE 802.11ad) is crucial for the deployment of location-based services, but it is also challenging and limits the design choices. Another key problem is that consumer-grade 60 GHz hardware only provides coarse channel state information, and has highly irregular beam shapes due to its cost-efficient design.

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Algorithms for Software-Defined Distributed Systems

Today's distributed systems are increasingly virtualized and software-defined. While in principle, this introduces interesting new opportunities, e.g., in terms of resource allocation and traffic engineering, it also raises the question of how to algorithmically exploit the new flexibilities, and how to operate and control such dynamic systems without violating correctness and consistency properties.

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