Archivos: Events

LossLeaP: Learning to Predict for Intent-Based Networking

Intent-Based Networking mandates that high-level human-understandable intents are automatically interpreted and implemented by network management entities. As a key part...

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FreqyWM: Frequency WaterMarking for the New Data Economy

We present a novel data engineering technique for modulating the appearance frequency of a few tokens within a dataset for...

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Congreso Try IT!

IMDEA Networks participa en el congreso Try IT! organizado por DA-ETSIINF en colaboración con ACM-UPM y la ETSI Informáticos y...

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Taking Responsibility for Someone Else's Code: Studying the Privacy Behaviors of Mobile Apps at Scale

Modern software development has embraced the concept of «code reuse,» which is the practice of relying on third-party code to...

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Machine Learning in Radio Propagation Modeling

Efficient and reliable indoor radio propagation modeling tools are inextricably intertwined with the design and operation of next-generation wireless networks....

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Strengthening the IoT Ecosystem: Privacy Preserving IoT Security Management

We are seeing an increasingly abundance of potentially intrusive and privacy-invasive IoT devices in our lives, from smart city projects...

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Beyond Voronoi: Plain Probabilistic Spatial Coverage Inference from Base Station Deployments

A vast body of works on mobile networking employs simplified Voronoi cell representations of cellular base station coverage as a...

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Transfiere 2022, Foro Europeo para la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación

IMDEA Networks participa, durante los días 16 y 17 de febrero, en Transfiere 2022, el 11º Encuentro Europeo de Ciencia,...

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XI Feria Madrid es Ciencia: LiFi y blockchain

IMDEA Networks participa en la XI Feria Madrid es Ciencia, evento de divulgación científica dirigido a las comunidades escolares y...

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Resource control framework for 5G vRANs

In recent years, the extension of network function virtualization (NFV) concept to the edge of mobile networks has allowed the...

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