Archivos: Events

Defensa Tesis Doctoral: "Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?" On Privacy in the Android Supply Chain

The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) was first released by Google in 2008 and has since become the most used...

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DES 2022

Del 14 al 16 de junio, IMDEA Networks estará en DES | Digital Enterprise Show 2022, el mayor evento profesional...

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Keynote: Millimeter-Wave Joint Communication and Sensing

The high bandwidth available at millimeter-wave frequencies allows for very high data rates, and at the same time enables highly...

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Resource Optimization for Moving Target Tracking and Remote Sensing Using Minimum Flow Algorithm and Identifying Codes

In this talk, we will discuss two resource optimization problems, one in the domain of moving target tracking with mobile...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Performance Evaluation and Anomaly detection in Mobile BroadBand Across Europe

With the rapidly growing market for smartphones and user’s confidence for immediate access to high-quality multimedia content, the delivery of...

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Intelligent explanations for mobile network traffic predictors

Commercialization and system architecture of fifth-generation (5G) networks has entered a stable phase and the evolution of 5G networks into...

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Domain-Specific Serverless Computing across Edge-to-Cloud Continuum

During the past decade, human beings experienced the prevalence of communication through various digital devices. While we can call the...

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Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

Enabling open circulation of training labeled data in industrial environments may improve many machine learning based processes that are currently...

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Was mobility a good predictor of COVID cases in Havana's first wave?

I will present an overview of the results of analyzing mobile phone data to create population mobility models in Cuba....

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Towards a Human-centric Data Economy

Data is becoming an indispensable production factor for the modern economy, matching or exceeding in importance traditional factors such as...

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