Archivos: Events

Data EConomy (DEC) Workshop 2023

La toma de decisiones basada en datos e impulsada por algoritmos de aprendizaje automático (Machine Learning, ML) está cambiando el...

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Fast Detection of Cyberattacks on the Metaverse through User-plane Inference

The metaverse is envisioned as a digital world where people can experience an immersive three-dimensional Internet, thanks to the profound...

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Summer School on Data-driven 5G RANs

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. The BANYAN project organizes a 3-day training school focused on new...

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13th IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop

With the arrival of publicly-available quantum computers, the field of quantum computation and communication has made a fast transition from...

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Primer Workshop internacional de B5G para estudiantes

Invitamos a estudiantes de máster y doctorado a participar en el primer taller internacional Madrid B5G organizado conjuntamente por IMDEA...

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Flowrest: Practical Flow-Level Inference in Programmable Switches with Random Forests

User-plane machine learning enables low-latency and high-throughput inference at line rate. Yet, data planes are highly constrained environments, and restrictions...

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Towards a Human-Centric Data Economy

Spurred by widespread adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning, “data” is becoming a key production factor, comparable in importance...

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IoT Human-in-the-Loop Sensing – Use Cases, Challenges, and Approaches

We live in a world that is full of interconnected sensors, ranging from dedicated monitoring equipment to sensors incorporated into...

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Analyzing Mobility Open Data and Human Behavior on Online Social Networks for Creating and Improving AI Applications

Information systems are ever-increasingly intelligent and present in the daily lives of people and companies, facilitating and modifying the performance...

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Predicting Customer Quality of Service and Classifying Customer Complaints of a Large Fixed Broadband Service Provider using Machine Learning

As in many other organizations, broadband access providers use Active Network Measurements and Trouble Ticket Systems to identify, record and...

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