Investigador Postdoc

  • Afiliación: IMDEA Networks Institute
    • MSc: Electrical Engineering (Digital Communication and Signal Processing) - National University of Science and Technology. Islamabad, Pakistan
    • PhD: Electrical Engineering (Wireless Communication) - Information Technology University, Pakistan/University of Cambridge, UK
    • Ph.D. Thesis: Quality of Service Provisioning in Device-to-Device Communication enabled Future Cellular Networks
    • Ph.D. Supervisors: Prof. Adnan Noor Mian and Prof. Jon Crowcroft
  • Puesto anterior: Split-site PhD Scholar, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Fecha de incorporación: Septiembre 2022

Áreas de investigación

Grupos de investigación


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Syed is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellow at IMDEA Networks, Madrid, Spain. He joined the Wireless Networking Group in September 2022. He received a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan in 2016, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Information Technology University, Lahore, Pakistan in 2021. From 2019 to 2021, he was a split-site Ph.D. Scholar with the Computer Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, UK, where he worked under the supervision of Prof. Jon Crowcroft. He has published in highly reputed venues, such as IEEE INFOCOMIEEE ICC, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Green Communication and Networking, Elsevier Computer Networks, and Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies. His research interests include 5G and beyond cellular networks, device-to-device communication, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, analytical analysis of mobile networks, and quality-of-service provisioning. He is also a reviewer of many international journals and conferences.


Grants and Awards


  • RISE-MM (Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-enabled mmWave Communication in Beyond 5G Cellular Networks) (September 2022 – September 2024) funded by Horizon Europe 2020
  • RISC-6G (Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Low-power Technologies for Communication and Sensing in 6G Mobile Networks) (January 2022 – December 2024) funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, European Union NextGeneration-EU TSI-063000-2021-59

Proyectos de investigación


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