Network-based Distributed Mobility Management Demo

29 Mar

Carlos J. Bernardos, Profesor Titular, UC3M, España

In-house Presentation

(Attendance is reserved to members only)

The number of mobile users and their traffic demand is expected to be ever-increasing in future years, and this growth can represent a limitation for deploying current mobility management schemes that are intrinsically centralized, e.g., Mobile IPv6 and Proxy Mobile IPv6. For this reason it has been waved a need for distributed and dynamic mobility management approaches, with the objective of reducing operators’ burdens, evolving to a cheaper and more efficient architecture.

The demo shows a network prototype implementing the network-based distributed mobility management solutions described in the IETF Drafts: 1) draft-bernardos-dmm-pmip-01 and 2) draft-bernardos-dmm-distributed-anchoring-00, inspired by the well known Proxy Mobile IPv6.

Authors: Carlos J. Bernardos, Antonio de la Oliva and Fabio Giust (UC3M); Telemaco Melia and Rui Costa (Alcatel-Lucent); Juan Carlos Zúñiga (InterDigital)

Acknowledgment: “MEDIEVAL” European Project ( EU FP7 ref. 258053)


  • Localización: 83rd IETF meeting, Paris

  • Organización: 83rd IETF meeting
  • Hora: 01:00 pm
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