Floating Band D2D: Exploring and Exploiting the Potentials of Adaptive D2D-enabled Networks

6 May

Arash Asadi, Estudiante de doctorado, IMDEA Networks Institute y Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

In-house Presentation

In this paper, we propose Floating Band D2D, an adaptive framework to exploit the full potential of Device-to-Device (D2D) transmission modes. We show that inband and outband D2D modes exhibit different pros and cons in terms of complexity, interference, and spectral efficiency. Moreover, none of these modes is suitable as a one-size-fits-all solution for today’s cellular networks, due to diverse network requirements and variable users’ behavior. Therefore, we unveil the need for going beyond traditional single-band mode-selection schemes. Specifically, we model and formulate a general and adaptive multi-band mode selection problem, namely Floating Band D2D. The problem is NP-hard, so we propose simple yet effective heuristics. Our results show the superiority of the Floating Band D2D framework, which dramatically increases network utility and achieves near complete fairness.

About Arash Asadi

Arash Asadi received a master’s degree with the highest distinction in Telematics Engineering from University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain, in October 2012, and a master’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Multimedia University, Malaysia in January 2011. He obtained his bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering from Islamic Azad University, Iran, in 2006. He started his research career as a research officer at Multimedia University, focusing on the channel capacity improvement of wireless networks. In July 2011, Arash joined IMDEA Networks Institute, pursuing his PhD studies while being involved in various European research projects such as FLAVIA and CROWD. His primary research interests are the resource allocation in wireless networks, cooperative networks, Device-to-Device communications, and next generation cellular networks.

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Este evento se impartirá en inglés


  • Localización: Sala 1.1/2 IMDEA Networks Institute, Avda. del Mar Mediterráneo 22, 28918 Leganés – Madrid

  • Organización: NETCOM Research Group (Telematics Engineering Department, UC3M); IMDEA Networks Institute
  • Hora: 01:00 pm
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