Deep Diving into BitTorrent Locality

25 Nov

Rubén Cuevas Rumín, PhD Student, Institute IMDEA Networks

In-house Presentation


A substantial amount of work has recently gone into localizing BitTorrent traffic within an ISP in order to avoid excessive and often times unnecessary transit costs. Several architectures and systems have been proposed and the initial results from specific ISPs and a few torrents have been encouraging. In this work we attempt to deepen and scale our understanding of locality and its potential. Looking at specific ISPs, we consider tens of thousands of concurrent torrents, and thus capture ISP-wide implications that cannot be appreciated by looking at only a handful of torrents. Secondly, we go beyond individual case studies and present results for the top 100 ISPs in terms of number of users represented in our dataset of up to 40K torrents involving more than 3.9M concurrent peers and more than 20M in the course of a day spread in 11K ASes. We develop scalable methodologies hat permit us to process this huge dataset and answer questions such as: What is the minimum and the maximum transit traffic reduction across hundreds of ISPs? What are the win-win boundaries for ISPs and their users? What is the maximum amount of transit traffic that can be localized without requiring fine-grained control of inter-AS overlay connections? What is the impact to transit traffic from upgrades of residential broadband speeds?

The paper is available at:

Who is Ruben Cuevas?

Rubén Cuevas Rumín obtained his degree in Telecomunications Engineering at University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain) in 2005. He received his MSc in Network Planning and Managment at Aalborg University (Denmark) in 2006. Furthermore, he obtained his MSc in Telematics Engineering at University Carlos III of Madrid and Politechnical Univeristy of Cataluña (Spain) in 2007. Currently he is Teaching Assistant and 4th year PhD Student in the Telematics Engineering Department at University Carlos III of Madrid. He is also member of the NETCOM research work. From September 2008 until March 2009 he was intern in the Internet Scientific Group at Telefonica Research Lab Barcelona. His research interests include content distribution, p2p systems and internet measurements.

La conferencia se impartirá en inglés


  • Localización: Sala 1.0.B03, Edificio Betancourt, Planta Baja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganés – Madrid

  • Organización: NETCOM Research Group (Telematics Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain); IMDEA Networks (Madrid, Spain)
  • Hora: 01:00pm
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