Web del evento: http://events.networks.imdea.org/workshop2010
Ponentes y asistentes: Members of IMDEA Networks’ Scientific Council and invitees.

- Albert Banchs (Deputy Director at IMDEA Networks)
- Jean-Yves Le Boudec (Full Professor at EPFL): Greening Of Mobile Networks: Myths and Opportunities
- Michael J. Bennett (Senior Network Engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy): Ethernet: An Energy-efficient Technology
- Jon Crowcroft (Marconi Professor of Communications Systems at University of Cambridge): The INTelligent Energy awaRe NETworks (INTERNET) project
- Yvon Gourhant (R&D Program Manager at Orange Labs): Energy aware networks from a point of view of a telecom operator
- Suresh Goyal (Green Research Leader at Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent): GreenTouch™ Inventing Sustainable, Ultra-Energy-Efficient ICT Networks
- Thomas Hillman (Marketing Manager at Texas Instruments): Communication as the foundation of the smart grid
- Nicholas F. Maxemchuk (Full Professor at Columbia University and Chief Researcher at IMDEA Networks): Communicating Appliances
- Mark A. Monroe (President at Energetic Consulting): State of the Art and Research Needs In Data Center Efficiency
- Hermann De Meer (Professor, Chair of Computer Networks and Computer Communications at University of Passau): Security and Privacy Concerns vs. Energy Efficient Computing and Networking
- Dejan Kostic (Assistant Professor at EPFL – Networked Systems Laboratory): Energy-Proportional Networks
- Paul J. Kühn (Professor Emeritus at University of Stuttgart): Modelling of Adaptive Resource Activations in Communication Networks and Optimization of Power Consumption
- Panel: The Future of Green Networking
- Moderator: Marco Ajmone Marsan, Full Professor at Politecnico di Torino and Chief Researcher at IMDEA Networks
- Panel members: Jon Crowcroft (Marconi Professor of Communications Systems at University of Cambridge), Yvon Gourhant (R&D Program Manager at Orange Labs), Mark Monroe (President at Energetic Consulting), Jean-Yves Le Boudec (Full Professor at EPFL), Mary Luz Mouronte (Division Manager at Telefonica Research, Madrid)
IMDEA Networks is organizing its 2nd Annual International Workshop, this year focusing on Energy Efficiency and Networking on 31st May – 1st June, 2010 in Madrid, Spain. The workshop will include presentations and a panel dealing with the latest advances and challenges facing the field. Energy efficiency is becoming one of the most important issues of our time. Population growth and exhaustion of available energy sources makes clever use of energy one of the main challenges for our society. The objective of this workshop is to explore the role of networking in the general effort towards sustainable use of energy.
This workshop presents an opportunity to understand how network operators, network device manufacturers, and data center operators are impacted by this emphasis on energy conservation. The complexity of this issue derives from it involving a mix of technical, economical, social and political challenges. This workshop brings together some representative industrial perspectives with prominent researchers engaged in energy efficiency and networking, in order to exchange technical ideas and experiences and reach a better understanding of the problem and of the most promising future approaches.
Web del evento: http://events.networks.imdea.org/workshop2010