Research Labs and Startups - Intimate Lovers or Ships Passing in the Night?

5 Oct

Sean MURPHY, Senior Research Fellow, University College Dublin, Irlanda

External Presentation (External Speaker)

In this talk, I will discuss the complex relationship between the university research lab and the startup community and how it varies in different places. There will be some emphasis on software focused startups as these are quite special in terms of the low capital investment costs required to deliver an initial working product, but the talk will also consider the wider set of high tech startup enterprises, some of which are built on a deep understanding of a problem domain arising from substantial research. The talk will discuss the similarities and differences between the activities and skills of the research lab and the startup.

Who is Sean Murphy?

Sean Murphy is a Senior Research Fellow in University College Dublin. He has previously worked primarily in the telecommunications research arena, but now he is more interested in cloud computing and the startup world.
He has tried to get a couple of startups going, but they did not get off the ground. If they did, he would probably be on a beach in the Bahamas, rather than giving this talk.

El evento se impartirá en Inglés

Imagen: Flickr – jcn


  • Localización: Sala 4.1.F03, Edificio Torres Quevedo, UC3M, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes - Madrid

  • Organización: Institute IMDEA Networks
  • Hora: 01:00 pm
  • Add to Calendar: iCalendar Outlook Google