Best Paper Award to members of the NETCOM Research Group at UC3M

25 September 2015

The award-winning paper "Informing Protocol Design Through Crowdsourcing: the Case of Pervasive Encryption” to be included in a special edition of SIGCOMM CCR and presented at the RAIM 2015 Workshop in Yokohama, Japan.

The paper "Informing Protocol Design Through Crowdsourcing: the Case of Pervasive Encryption”, written by Anna Maria Mandalari (PhD Student at UC3M), Marcelo Bagnulo (Senior Lecturer and Researcher in NETCOM Research Group of UC3M’s Telematics Department) and Andra Lutu (Post-doc Researcher at Simula Research Laboratory and former PhD Student at IMDEA Networks Institute) has been selected for the Best Paper Award at this year´s ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Crowdsharing of Big (Internet) Data (C2B(I)D).

The award-winning paper will be included in a special issue of SIGCOMM CCR that will contain the proceedings of SIGCOMM 2015 as well as awarded papers from other workshops. The paper has also been accepted for the RAIM 2015 Workshop in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM in Yokohama, Japan and it has been presented at Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC 2015) in September, in León, Spain.

The paper's main contribution to its field – as well as to society on the whole – is it’s novel methodology for performing large scale Internet measurements, using a crowdsourcing solution approach. The authors exemplify the efficiency of their methodology by performing large-scale TLS measurements to advance our understanding on whether wide adoption of encryption is possible in today’s Internet.

Source(s): IMDEA Networks Institute
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